朴素的午后2点 (2 o’clock on a plain afternoon)
门外的风吹 (The wind outside the door)
一枚落叶覆盖深秋的夜晚 (Deep autumn night under a fallen leaf)
我要种一片自由的时光 (Time, unshackled)
透过冬天望见漫山桃花 (Peach blossom vision on a winter’s day)
诗里的江湖 (Jianghu in Poetry)
我想写下那一片辽阔里的寂静 (Capturing silence in the vast expanse)
选择在一场风里与你道别 (Choosing to say farewell in the wind)
已然 深秋 (Already, autumn is old)
我是谁 (Who am I?)
太阳的火 月亮的冰 (Sun’s fire, Moon’s ice)
2015年11月27日 我等待一场雨 (November 27th, 2015: Awaiting the Rain)
词语里有清晰的风向 (The wind’s direction, clear-cut in words)
美好的细节有春风 (Spring breeze in wonderful details)
我的欢喜是寂静的 (Silent is my joy)
需要娓娓道出的情绪(组诗)Moods calling for leisurely articulation (from a collection)
涂抹 (Painting)
拐角 (Around the corner)
窗外 (Outside the window)
注视暮色里的一场雨 (The rain at dusk)
有美意在行走着的夏天 (Goodness sauntering under a summer’s sky)
玫瑰在路上 (Rose on the road)
沉默如鱼 (Silent as a fish)
朝向秋天的窗户 (Window onto autumn)
清晨,有热爱的朝露 (Dawn arrives with my beloved dew)
词语的安慰 (Comfort in words)
有什么正和时光一起到来 (Something is coming along with Time)
有些美正在远离 (Away sails something beautiful)
心情 ・ 浮日 (Feelings: The Fleeting Days)
我将是哪一片即将老去的叶子 (Which leaf shall I be when old age beckons? )
每朵玫瑰都有着自己的身世 (Each rose comes with her own tale)
我的悲伤无与伦比 (Incomparable is my sorrow)
坐在与玫瑰相对的位置 (Seated opposite a rose)
春天有备而来(Spring comes fully prepared)